El inglés técnico ya no tiene secretos para mí

 We will talk about the race walking technique, for it we need know the principal tips of it:

The race walking have 2 types of movements:

- Main movements: this type of movement are the ones that they are done with the lower body and their function is propel foward the athlete.

- Supporting movements: are the movements that are doing with the trunk and arms and they serve to balance the body in the race walking.

Each stride is divided into three parts:

- Single support phase: is when only one feet is supporting in the floor and the other is rising.

- Swing phase: is before that the double support phase, but late that the single support phase, in this phase one feet is in the floor and the other is doing the movement of change in the air to lean on the ground.

- Double support phase: is when the two feets are supporting in the floor.


Main movements

- The knee of the leg of  support must be fully extended when the feet hit the ground.

- The foot when hit the floor has to rest on the heel and late, when all the foot is supporting on the floor, it pushed off on the ground.

- The leg that is in contact with the floor is calling supporting leg, and the other, that is in the air, is calling non supporting leg or swinging leg.

- The blending of the knee will be happen when the supporting leg is starting to hit the floor.

Supporting movements

- The hip will acompany the legs movement, leaning at every step 

- The centre of mass is in the midle of the body in his line with the hip

- The arms should be flexed in an angle of about 90º and their movements is close to de body

- The trunk should be straight, not rigid and inclined slightly forward

- The neck should be in the line with the head


- The judge is composed of judgues, chief judge and two assistants to the judge

- The faults that there are are the red or the yellow paddle

- There is a screen that announces the number of fouls for each participant

- A red paddle means the disqualification of the athlete

- To draw a red paddle, three different judges will have to agree

- Several yellow paddles become one red

- Fouls can be for bending the knee prematurely or for having both feet in the air at the same time

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